M2 MECE: Environmental management in public and private-sector organizations

The MECE training program in environmental management has been designed for students seeking to work in an organizational setting, whether it be a local authority or company, focused on developing environmental impact mitigation policy. The objective behind such a specialty is to propose a comprehensive curriculum for future industry executives or agency directors, who while taking a generalist's approach to Health-Safety-Environment (HSE) issues also become capable of exposing, understanding and solving the kinds of problems their employers might encounter regarding the environment, safety and quality. Such a capability entails learning: systems operations, impact magnitude analysis, status checks with respect to standards and regulations, and implementation of positive technical strategies aimed at improving the current situation. This major is paired with a work-study pathway featuring internships.

Target population :

  • Graduates of university degree programs (4-year Maîtrise or Master's 1 in Environmental Sciences, Physical Chemistry, Chemistry, etc.)

Presentation of the course (french)

Presentation of the professional career (french)

Upon completion of the second-year Master's (M2) program

Departments in companies or local authorities concerned with public hygiene, quality and the environment that are committed to obtaining a Health-Safety-Environment (HSE) certification.

Permanent employment ARIA, AXA France, EDF, GDF-Suez, SNCF, Dalkia Ile de France, Total, Veolia, Centrale nucléaire de Nogent sur Seine, Centrale nucléaire de Gravelines, Eurocopter, Chargée de mission Environnement Carcassonne, Conseiller Développement Durable, Centre Francilien de l'Innovation, Renault, VINCI Facilities, Dauchez Payet, EFFIA SYNERGIES, CPAM du Val de Marne, Env ' Île, Société de Traitements Chimiques des Métaux, ARENE Ile de France, AD'3E Conseil, McDonald's France Services, INOVA, DCNS, Bureau Veritas…
Short-term employment ---


EFFIA EFFIA Synergies - 2008 MECE program graduate / Manager - Quality-Safety-Environment-Energy

Supervision of a team of expert consultants focusing on the topics of Quality, Safety, Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development working with EFFIA Synergies' Division of Consulting Activities.

  • A team of experienced consultants and HSE-certified partners
  • Geographic territory covers all of France and foreign countries


Dalkia, EDF Group subsidiary - 2010 MECE program graduate / Sustainable Development Project Manager

  • Structural certification based on the "Office Building in Use" NF Standard, in accordance with the HQE Operations approach
  • Structural certification according to the "BREEAM IN USE" approach
  • Evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions by implementation of the "Carbon Footprint Method" developed by the ADEME National Environmental Agency applicable to Scopes 1, 2 and 3


Paris Regional Agency for the Environment and New Energies (ARENE) - 2010 MECE program graduate / "Agenda 21" Project Manager

  • Technical and methodological guidance offered to Paris Region municipalities as part of a local "Agenda 21" action plan and/or a Territorial Climate-Energy Plan
  • Active participation within the network labeled "Teddif" (acronym for Territories-Environment-Sustainable Development across the Paris Region, in conjunction with the regional ADEME Agency, the Paris Regional Council, as well as the ETD and DRIEE administrations)
  • Daylong roundtable sessions, specific studies, methodological guides
  • An active contributor to the efforts by RARE (National Network of Regional Environmental Agencies) - Responsible for uploading content to the "Agenda 21" page of the ARENE website.

NUTINI Clémence

McDonald's France Services - 2011 MECE program graduate / Head of Environmental Projects

  • Environmental Management System (EMS): Oversight of upgrades and computing developments for the EMS software
  • Shaping of Head Office environmental strategy: Improvement of the multi-stream recycling system, design of an awareness-building campaign to reach all 600 employees (production of communication aids, distribution of ceramic mugs)
  • Greenhouse gas strategy: Responsible for data collection, project monitoring and dissemination of results from the Carbon Footprint Method® and a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)

Description of the academic program

First semester (core courses) :

  • Pollution of natural media
  • Environmental risks: Risk management techniques
  • ISO 14001 certification for the Environmental Management System (EMS)
  • Environmental law
  • ISO 9001 Quality Certification
  • OHSAS 18001 Industrial Safety Standards
  • Communication - Corporate collaboration
  • Technical English proficiency
  • Professional project
  • Elective course from among: CNFTP Test Preparation, Climate, Indoor Air, etc.

Second semester ("Corporate" pathway) :

  • Finance
  • Professional project
  • Elective course from among: Carbon Footprint Method, Acoustics, GIS, Radioactive Aerosols, HAACP Food Safety Method, etc.
  • Corporate environmental strategy, eco-design
  • Sustainable development

Second semester ("Local authority" pathway) :

  • Finance
  • Professional project
  • Elective course from among: Carbon Footprint Method, Acoustics, GIS, Radioactive Aerosols, HAACP Food Safety Method, etc.
  • Impact of urban public services
  • Management of urban public servicess

Download the detailed program layout

Examples of internships conducted in a laboratory or company setting

Subscription of environmental damage insurance coverage AXA
Application of "health, safety and environmental" standards SAFRAN
Prevention of professional risks at an R&D site Solvay
Introduction of a safety management system Derichbourg Environnement
Rollout of an environmental management system CEMEX
Implementation of the adopted sustainable development policy SFR Business Team
Benchmarking of sustainable initiatives in a group catering setting City of Paris
Monitoring of the ISO 14001 Standard inside the La Hague facility AREVA
Implementation of a safety management system SNCF Railway
Enactment of a Biodiversity Plan City of Paris
Evaluation of chemical risks MERSEN
Application of the REACH regulations at a refinery Total
Real estate audit mission Bureau Veritas (certifications)
Implementation of the adopted sustainable development policy City of Rueil-Malmaison
Environmental indicators and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Schneider Electric
Establishment of an internal benchmark on the ISO 5001 Standard Suez Environnement
Academic Program Head
Secretary's Office